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incorrupt +‎ -ness



incorruptness (uncountable)

  1. the state of being incorrupt
    • 1884, L. W. Yaggy, Museum of Antiquity[1]:
      "Equally satisfactory is the evidence for the integrity and incorruptness of the New Testament.
    • 1901, Adolph Harnack, History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)[2]:
      To make their proof more precise Tertullian and Irenaeus therefore asserted that the Churches guaranteed the incorruptness of the apostolic inheritance, inasmuch as they could point to a chain of "elders," or, in other words, an "ordo episcoporum per successionem ab initio decurrens," which was a pledge that nothing false had been mixed up with it.

