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inconfusible m or f (masculine and feminine plural inconfusibles)

  1. unmistakable
    Antonym: confusible
    • 2019 August 17, Xavi Ayén, “‘Welcome to the party’”, in La Vanguardia[1]:
      Al cap de poc temps, vaig veure un turista de debò sortint d’un bloc de pisos. Era inconfusible, amb la seva samarreta, barret, ulleres de sol, la pell envermellida, bermudes i un somriure desorientat i beatífic, arrossegant una enorme maleta vermella d’aquestes de rodes.
      After a short time, I saw a genuine tourist leaving a block of flats. He was unmistakable, with his T-shirt, hat, sunglasses, reddened skin, shorts and a disoriented, blissful smile, dragging one of those huge red suitcases with wheels.

Further reading
