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Old Tupi


Alternative forms




From inaîá (inajá) +‎ -gûasu (augmentative suffix).



inaîagûasu (?) (Late Tupi)

  1. coconut (fruit of coconut palm)[1][2]
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, chapter I, in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro nono. No qual se contem varias bençoens, [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, Effeitos da agoa Benta, pages 173–174:
      Ymoçapira, Anhanga mocequiyâba ymonhegoâcébába:aypô tecô poranga recé acecerecou ocotipe, aépe ymoyâcecóbo, igoaburû, coipo inayagoáçû apepoéra amô pupé ynhangirê, oque yanondé, coipo opac-îre y pupé o ye igpij yanonde, y yarôc-etê rupî-be amoaé çapixára reraçôbono.
      [I mosapyra, Anhanga mosykyîaba i monhegûasembaba: aîpó tekoporanga resé asé serekóû o kotype, a'epe i moîasekóbo, i gûaburu, koîpó inaîagûasu apepûera amõ pupé i nhangiré, o ké îanondé, koîpó opakiré i pupé oîeypyî îanondé, i îaroketé rupibé amoaé sapixara rerasóbono.]
      The third of them is a way of frightening the Devil, to make it run away. For this beautiful procedure people keep [the holy water] in their own room, pouring it inside a vessel or some dried coconut shell and hanging in there before their sleep or sprinkling themselves after they wake up, bringing some more similar to it as soon as too much has been used up.
  2. coconut palm (Cocos nucifera)[1][3]
    Synonym: inaîagûasu'yba


  1. 1.0 1.1 anonymous author (1622) “Coco ou coqueiro da Jndia”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 1, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 76:Jnajaguaçu [Inaîagûasu]
  2. ^ Georg Marcgrave, Willem Piso (1648) Historia Naturalis Brasiliae [Brazilian Natural History], Historiae Plantarum, book III, chapter XIV (overall work in Latin), Amsterdam: Elzevir, page 138:Inajaguacu [Inaîagûasu]
  3. ^ Anton Meisterburg (a. 1756) “Coco ou coqueira”, in [Dicionário de Trier] (overall work in Portuguese and Old Tupi), Baixo Xingu, Pará, page 10v, column 1, line 18; republished as Jean-Claude Muller et al., editors, Dicionário de língua geral amazônica, Potsdam: University of Potsdam, 2019, →DOI, page 133:jndaiágoaçú [indaîagûasu]