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in origine

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Literally, in origin.

Prepositional phrase


in origine

  1. in the beginning; originally
    Synonyms: all'inizio, dapprima
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 27, in Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      La cena... in origine era stata ideata per dare ai giornalisti e a quelli di cui scrivevano l'opportunità, per una sera, di mettere da parte l'antagonismo che spesso caratterizzava i loro rapporti e divertirsi un po'.
      ... the dinner had originally been designed to give journalists and those they covered a chance, for one evening, to set aside their often-adversarial stance toward one another and have some fun.
      (literally, “The dinner... was originally thought of to give journalists and to those of whom they wrote the opportunity, for one evening, to put aside the antagonism that often characterized their relationships and have fun a little bit.”)