in oggetto

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Literally, in object.

Prepositional phrase


in oggetto

  1. (idiomatic) under discussion; in hand
    Synonym: in discussione
    • 2020, Barack Obama, translated by Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, and Giuseppe Maugeri, Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      Poi ecco dispiegarsi il ragionamento, il volto arrossato, il tono della voce sempre più alto, in un crescendo degno di un predicatore evangelico, non importa quanto fosse banale la questione in oggetto.
      The argument would unspool—the face reddening, the voice rising—building to a crescendo like a revivalist sermon, no matter how mundane the issue at hand.
      (literally, “Then there was the argument unfolding, the reddened face, the increasingly high tone of his voice, in a crescendo fit for an Evangelic preacher, it does not matter how banal the topic in hand was.”)

