in nome di

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Literally, in name of. Compare French au nom de.

Prepositional phrase


in nome di

  1. in the name of
  2. on behalf of
    Synonym: a favore di
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 6, in Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      Senza dubbio quella convinzione si rafforzò quando, durante un'intervista in Nevada, dissi che, per quanto lo ammirassi, non pensavo che Bill Clinton avesse trasformato la politica nel modo in cui invece, durante gli anni Ottanta, aveva fatto Ronald Reagan, quando era riuscito a riformulare il rapporto tra il popolo americano e il governo in nome dei principi conservatori.
      No doubt I'd reinforced that perception when, in a Nevada interview, I said that while I admired Bill Clinton, I didn't think he'd transformed politics the way Ronald Reagan had in the 1980s, when he'd managed to reframe the American people's relationship to government on behalf of conservative principles.
      (literally, “Without doubt that conviction got stronger when, during an interview in Nevada, I said that, however much I admired him, I did not think that Bill Clinton had transformed politics in the way in which instead, during the 80's, Ronald Reagan had, when he managed to reformulate the American people's relationship with the government on behalf of conservative principles.”)

