- full of idioms or linguistic idiosyncrasies, full of idiotisms
- 1914, Progreso, page 191:
- Ol havas gramatiko tre idiotismoza; exemple on uzas la verbo havar por l' antea tempi (ave pensat, kostruit) e la verbo esar por la pasivo (esi tronkat), ma on uzas esar anke por l' aktivo (eseva moret) ed on atribuas a netransitiva verbi participi di formo pasiva (nazet, moret).
- It has a very idiosyncratic grammar; for example the verb to have is used for the past tense (ave pensat, kostruit) and the verb to be for the passive (esi tronkat), but esar is also used for the active (eseva moret) and participle of a passive form are bestowed on intransitive verbs (nazet, moret).
- 1918, Mondo, page 58:
- Perfekta ed exakta gramatiko por Ido per Ido; la linguala teorio traktesez hike ne per la perspektivo del idiotismoza linguo naturala, ma prefere de la logikala vidpunti dil internaciona linguo.
- A perfect and precise grammar for Ido by Ido; the theory of the language should not be treated here through the perspective of the natural language full of idiosyncrasies, but preferably from the logical points of vies of the international language.