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  1. and also, and additionally, whereover
    Alarmeringen til Ildebrande skete ved Klemtning fra Taarnene, med 1 Slag for Skorstensild, 2—7 Slag for Husild i de forsk. Bykvarterer, hvorhos Vagterne om Natten skulde pibe og raabe »Brand«
    The alarm for fire was made by bellringing from the towers, with 1 stroke for chimney fire, 2—7 strokes for house fire in the various town streets, and additionally the watchmen at night should blow whistles and cry »fire«
    da Herlufsholms Kald i Nov. 1754 blev ledigt, kaldedes han hertil, hvorhos han fik Titel af Professor og blev Lector lingvæ Hebraicæ ved Skolen 13. Dec. s. A.
    when Herlufsholm vicarage in November 1754 became available, he was called to it, and he also got the title of professor and was made lecturer in Hebrew language at the school on December 13 the same year



