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hoppa på

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hoppa (jump) +‎ (on)



hoppa (present hoppar på, preterite hoppade på, supine hoppat på, imperative hoppa på)

  1. to jump on (suddenly attack, physically (sometimes with a leap or the like), or figuratively of sudden, fierce criticism and the like (usually in a disapproving sense))
  2. to jump on (a trend or the like)


Conjugation of hoppa (weak)
active passive
infinitive hoppa
supine hoppat
imperative hoppa
imper. plural1 hoppen
present past present past
indicative hoppar hoppade
ind. plural1 hoppa hoppade
subjunctive2 hoppe hoppade
present participle påhoppande
past participle påhoppad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


