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See also: Hizzoner





From his honor.



hizzoner (plural hizzoners)

  1. (informal, often humorous) Any mayor
    • 1930, John Bright, Hizonner Big Bill Thompson, Sharon Hill Books:
    • 1955 January 3, “Hizzoner the Heelobowie”, in Time:
      Mike asked nothing in return for his generosity, but when election day came up, the contending candidates for mayor both withdrew and the villagers swarmed to the polls to elect Mike Colikas by a vote of 2,145 to 2.
    • 1996, Rachel C. Edwards, Hizzoner: A Day in the Life of a Village Mayor, Flats Publishing Company:
    • 1998, Stuart Woods, Swimming to Catalina, HarperCollins, page 103:
      He's the mayor's favorite golf partner. Once I had to deliver an envelope to hizzoner at the Bel-Air Country Club, and he introduced me to Sturmack.
    • 2001, Gene Roberts et al., editors, Leaving Readers Behind: The Age of Corporate Newspapering, The University of Arkansas Press, page 7:
      The publisher of Hearst’s San Francisco Examiner promises to stem his paper’s criticism of Mayor Willie Brown if Hizzoner doesn’t oppose Hearst's takeover of the rival Chronicle.
    • 2007 August 5, Kirsten Danis, “Hizzoner will honor jury-duty obligation”, in New York Daily News:
      Not even Mayor Bloomberg is safe from jury duty.