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hitz egin

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From hitz (word) +‎ egin (to do).


  • IPA(key): (Southern) /it͡s̻ eɡin/, [it͡s̻ e̞.ɣ̞ĩn]
  • IPA(key): (Northern) /hit͡s̻ eɡin/, [ɦit͡s̻ e̞.ɣ̞ĩn]



hitz egin du (imperfect participle hitz egiten, future participle hitz egingo or hitz eginen, short form hitz egin, verbal noun hitz egite)

  1. to speak, to talk
    Synonyms: mintzatu, berba egin, solas egin
    1. [with instrumental] to speak a language
      Euskaraz hitz egin dezaket.I can speak Basque.
    2. [with instrumental] to talk about something
      Zure lagunaz hitz egin nahi dut.I want to talk about your friend.

Usage notes

  • In the sense "to speak a language" the absolutive case can also be used, but it is much rarer.
  • When using an adjective to describe the language, the innessive case is used instead:
    Frantses dotorean hitz egiten du.He speaks excellent French.

Further reading

  • hitz egin”, in Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy] (in Basque), Euskaltzaindia [Royal Academy of the Basque Language]
  • hitz egin”, in Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary], Euskaltzaindia, 1987–2005