- Obsolete spelling of herself.
- 1598, Philip Sidney, The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, London: […] William Ponsonbie, page 314:
- […] then to raze the Caſtle, and to build a ſumptuous monument for her ſiſter, and a moſt ſumptuous for herſelfe, and the himſelfe to die vpon her tombe.
- 1632, The Anatomy of Melancholy: What It Is with all the Kinds Causes Symptomes Prognostickes & Seuerall Cures of It, Oxford: […] Henry Cripps, page 99:
- Antonius the Roman, after hee was ouer come of his enimy, for three daies ſpace ſate ſolitary in the fore part of the ſhippe abſtaining from all company, euen of Cleopatra herſelfe, and afterwards for very ſhame, butchered himſelfe […]
- 1644, Elias Arnold, transl., A Commentary upon the Divine Revelation of the Apostle and Evangelist Iohn, Amsterdam: […] C. P., translation of original by David Pareus, page 463:
- For Babylon hath glorified herſelfe] That is, hath uſurped and taken the ſame unto her by wicked devices, with all deceitfullnes of unrighteouſnes: And therefore the Lord who is an enemy to pride, will juſtly caſt her downe by how much ſhee hath exalted herſelfe: according to that ſaying, Whoſoever exalteth himſelfe ſhall be abaſed.