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From hedge +‎ -like.



hedgelike (comparative more hedgelike, superlative most hedgelike)

  1. Resembling a hedge.
    • 1912, Gouverneur Morris, It, and Other Stories:
      Except for the lanterns at the serving tables, dimly to be seen through a dense hedgelike growth of Kalmia latifolia, there were no other lights...
    • 1920, Henry Oyen, The Plunderer:
      And suddenly he found himself pushing head foremost into a hedgelike thicket of brush and stopped weakly. "One of those damn islands," mumbled Higgins.
    • 2005, Shelley Urban, 101 Silk and Dried Designs:
      Among the most intriguing textures is the ethereal Skimmia, which is arranged in a hedgelike mass.