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From hebophilia +‎ -ac.



hebophiliac (comparative more hebophiliac, superlative most hebophiliac)

  1. Relating or pertaining to sexual attraction to tweens.
    • 1991, Peter Cimbolic, The Identification and Treatment of Sexual Disorders and the Priesthood, page 598:
      [] and may seek out or find himself in the presence of the opportunity to engage in pedophiliac/hebophiliac activities []
    • 2008, Stephanie Adduci, FORGIVE ME FATHER, FOR I HAVE SINNED, page 63:
      As such, those child victims over the age of twelve were the victims of hebophiliac priests.
    • 2010, Elaine Craig, Sex And The Supremes: Towards A Legal Theory of Sexuality, page link:
      It cannot, properly understood, provide a basis from which to argue that homosexuals ought to be in and hebophiliac Imams out