- Obsolete typography of hännes (“hers”)
- Obsolete typography of hännes (“hers”)
- 1760 February 4, “Notificationer [Notifications]”, in Stockholms Poſt Tidningar, page 4:
- Kyrkorådet foͤrmodar, at reſpective Graf-Aͤgare, ſå mycket ſnarare ſig inſtaͤlla, ſom den foͤrelyckade Kyrkan icke laͤngre kan ſtå i foͤrskott foͤr den gjorde dryga koſtnaden, haͤlſt ſom andra haͤnnes behof aͤro flere och oundwikelige, och må hwar och en fylla ſig ſedan ſielf, om Kyrko-Rådet, i fall af uteblifwande, Grafwen, ſåſom hemfallen til Kyrkan anſer.
- The Church Council presumes that the respective grave owners will present themselves as soon as possible, as the affected church can no longer bear the heavy cost in advance, especially since the needs of her others are numerous and indispensable, and may each person fill her own needs if, in case of non-appearance, the grave is considered to revert to the church.