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Old Spanish


Alternative forms




From guarnir (to dress, adorn) +‎ -miento. Compare Old French guarnement (garment).





guarnimiento m (usually uncountable)

  1. ornaments, jewelry, garments
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 20v:
      Oyo eſto eſto[sic] el pueblo e ou gñde duelo enõ ſe q̃ſo guarnir deſu ueſtir. dixo nr̃o ſeñor amoẏſẽ diles q̃ ſe guarneſcã eẏo ſabre q̃ leſ fare. priſierõ fiios de iſrɫ. ſo guarnimiẽto de mõte oreb
      The people heard this and there was great mourning, and they did not want to adorn their dress. [For] Our Lord said to Moses, “Tell them to adorn themselves and I will know what I will do to them.” [So] the children of Israel took off their ornaments from Mount Horeb [onward].


  • Spanish: guarnimiento