[edit]guadagnàrci (pronominal, first-person singular present ci guadàgno, first-person singular past historic ci guadagnài, past participle guadagnàto, auxiliary avére)
- to draw an advantage, typically from a certain action or behavior; to earn; to gain; to get
- 2012, John Green, translated by Giorgia Grilli, Colpa delle Stelle [The Fault in our Stars], Mondadori, page 42:
- Se ci fosse stato qualcosa che non andava, lo avrei scoperto presto. Non avevo niente da guadagnarci, a preoccuparmi in anticipo.
- If something was wrong, I'd find out soon enough. Nothing to be gained by worrying between now and then.
- (literally, “If there were something wrong, I would find out soon. I had nothing to gain by worrying in advance.”)
- to take on a more pleasing appearance; to look good
- Synonyms: giovarsi, migliorare
- Antonyms: perderci, rimetterci
- senza la barba ci guadagni
- you look good without a beard