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gridare allo scandalo

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Literally, to yell to the scandal. Compare French crier au scandale.



gridare allo scandalo

  1. to cry out against something scandalous; to protest; to be outraged
    Synonym: scandalizzarsi
    • 2024 June 25, Address on "autonomia differenziata" [differentiated autonomy][1], spoken by Giorgia Meloni:
      L'hanno inserito in costituzione loro, non l'hanno mai normata. Ciò nonostante hanno firmato accordi tra varie regioni e lo Stato quando sia al capo delle regioni sia al capo del governo c'erano loro; e oggi sventolano i tricolori e gridano allo scandalo perché noi cerchiamo di trasformare questo principio... in una norma seria.
      They themselves put it in the Constitution, they never put in place the laws to execute it. Despite this, they signed agreements between various regions and the State when they themselves were both at the head of the regions and at the head of the government; and today they wave the tricolors and protest because we are trying to transform this principle... into a serious law.