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grass tree

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Dracophyllum traversii

Alternative forms




grass tree (plural grass trees)

  1. (Australia) Any of various small trees of the family Xanthorrhoeaceae (especially of the genus Xanthorrhoea), having a thick trunk crowned with a dense tuft of pendulous, grass-like leaves. [from 18th c.]
    • 2002, Alex Miller, Journey to the Stone Country, Allen & Unwin, published 2003, page 125:
      They ascended the incline of the ridge through a tract of country where prehistoric grasstrees and cycads stood in isolation among bloodwoods and stunted hickory [] .
  2. A New Zealand shrub of the genus Dracophyllum, that grows up to 12 m high and found throughout in drier climates and at higher altitudes, with slender erect or spreading branches. Rigid, leathery grass-like leaves are usually crowded towards the tip of the branchlets. Also called spiderwood.
  3. Dasylirion longissimum (family Asparagaceae, Mexican grass tree)
  4. Dracophyllum (family Ericaceae), a genus of about 100 species.
  5. Richea pandanifolia (family Ericaceae, giant grass tree).



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