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West Frisian




Cognate to Dutch gierig, German gierig. This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term. West Frisian "gier" seems to lack the meaning "greed", so borrowed rather than natively formed?




  1. avaricious, greedy


Inflection of gjirrich
uninflected gjirrich
inflected gjirrige
comparative gjirriger
positive comparative superlative
predicative/adverbial gjirrich gjirriger it gjirrichst
it gjirrichste
indefinite c. sing. gjirrige gjirrigere gjirrichste
n. sing. gjirrich gjirriger gjirrichste
plural gjirrige gjirrigere gjirrichste
definite gjirrige gjirrigere gjirrichste
partitive gjirrichs gjirrigers

Derived terms


Further reading

  • gjirrich”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch), 2011