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- (Standard Slovene, tonal) IPA(key): [ˈɡə́jìx], [ˈɡé̞ːjìx], [ˈɡè̞ːjíx], SNPT: [gə̏jih], [gḙ̄jih]
- (Standard Slovene, non-tonal) IPA(key): [ˈɡəjix], [ˈɡe̞ːjix], SNPT (non-tonal): [gə̀jih], [gḙ̄jih]
- (Most Littoral and Rovte dialects, part of Upper Carniolan dialects) IPA(key): [ˈɣə́jìx], [ˈɣé̞ːjìx], [ˈɣè̞ːjíx], SNPT: [ɣə̏jih], [ɣḙ̄jih]
Note: different distinctions and accent shifts do not necessarily exclude other and most of them exist in both tonal and non-tonal Slovene.
- locative dual, plural of g