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From dialectal Arabic غُرْنَة (ḡurna, trough)[1].





għorna f (plural għorniet or għoron)

  1. grotto, cave, den
    Alternative form: għerna
    • 2016 October 20, “Kummenti mill-President Donald Tusk mal-wasla tiegħu qabel il-laqgħa tal-Kunsill Ewropew”, in Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea[1]:
      Fl-aħħar nett, ippermettuli ngħid li ser inkun kuntent ħafna nilqa’ lill-Prim Ministru Theresa May illum. Xi mezzi tax-xandir iddeskrivew l-ewwel laqgħa tagħha fil-Kunsill Ewropew bħala li dieħla fl-għorna tal-iljuni.
      Finally, let me say that I'll be very happy to welcome Prime Minister Theresa May today. Some media described her first meeting in the European Council as entering the lion's den.
  2. a small hut used to store products
    Alternative forms: għerna, girna


  1. ^ Salmoné, Habib Anthony (1889) An Advanced Learner's Arabic-English Dictionary, Beirut: Librairie du Liban