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gå om

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om (present går om, preterite gick om, supine gått om, imperative gå om)

  1. to overtake (in a race, etc.)
    Synonym: (with a vehicle) köra om
    Schumacher gick om konkurrenten i sista kurvan
    Schumacher overtook his rival on the last turn
  2. to overtake (in some ranking, etc.)
    Finland har gått om Italien i alkoholkonsumtion
    Finland has passed Italy in alcohol consumption
  3. to retake (a class, a school year, etc.)
    Han fick gå om nian
    He had to retake ninth grade


Conjugation of (strong)
active passive
infinitive om
supine gått om
imperative om
imper. plural1 gån om
present past present past
indicative går om gick om
ind. plural1 om gingo om
subjunctive2 om ginge om
present participle
past participle

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

See also


