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Etymology 1


From Middle English fullhede, equivalent to full +‎ -head.



fullhead (uncountable)

  1. (usually archaic, or in reference to Christianity) Fullness.
    • 1843, Juliana (of Norwich.), Hugh Paulin Cressy, George Hargreave Parker, XVI revelations of divine love:
      But for we may not have this in fullhead while we be here ; therefore it befalleth us ever to live in sweet praying, and in lovely longing with our Lord Jesu, for he longeth ever for to bring us to the fulhead of joy, as it is before said;
    • 1888, Paulist Fathers, Catholic world:
      Soothlie, we never maie cease of our willing, ne of our loving, Until we have Him in the fullhead of joye that is promised.
    • 1948, The fellowship of the saints:
      The beginning of this contemplation may be felt in this life, but the fullhead of it is kept until the bliss of heaven.
    • 2011, Evelyn Underhill, The Cloud of Unknowing:
      For of all other creatures and their works, yea, and of the works of God's self, may a man through grace have fullhead of knowing, and well he can think of them: but of God Himself can no man think.

Etymology 2


From full +‎ head.

Alternative forms




fullhead (plural fullheads)

  1. A castrated stag.
    • 1803, J. Sleight, Ami. Airric. XXXIX. 556:
      The full-heads [] always herd with the Ducks, excepting in the rut.