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From fra +‎ vige.



fravige (past tense fraveg, past participle fraveget)

  1. to depart from, deviate from, derogate from, stray from (as, e.g., from the usual procedures, regulations, or principles)
    Han fraveg aldrig sin inderste overbevisning.
    He never deviated from his innermost convictions.
  2. to waive, forgo (as a right, provision, or requirement)
    Udlejerens og lejerens rettigheder og pligter i lejeforholdet er reguleret i den til enhver tid gældende lejelovgivning, medmindre parterne aftaler andet, hvor lovens regler kan fraviges.
    The rights and obligations of the landlord and tenant in the tenancy are governed by the tenancy law in force at any given time, unless the parties agree otherwise, in which case the rules of the law may be waived.
  3. to fail to comply with (as, e.g., with a rule)


Conjugation of fravige
active passive
present fraviger fraviges
past fraveg
infinitive fravige fraviges
imperative fravig
present fravigende
past fraveget
(auxiliary verb have)
gerund fravigen