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fram (forth) +‎ (go)



framgå (present framgår, preterite framgick, supine framgått, imperative framgå)

  1. to be derivable, to be possible to perceive or infer (from something, of information or the like)
    Vem som hade stulit bananen framgick inte i polisrapporten
    The police report did not say who had stolen the banana (the information did not appear in / wasn't possible to derive from the police report)
    Vem som står bakom reklamen måste tydligt framgå
    Who is behind the advertisement must be clearly communicated / clearly visible


Conjugation of framgå (strong)
active passive
infinitive framgå
supine framgått
imperative framgå, framgack
imper. plural1 framgån
present past present past
indicative framgår framgick
ind. plural1 framgå framgingo
subjunctive2 framgå, framgånge framginge
present participle framgående
past participle

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

