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See also: frigid





Borrowed from Latin frīgidus. Doublet of fred.





frígid (feminine frígida, masculine plural frígids, feminine plural frígides)

  1. frigid (very cold)
    • 2003, Jordi Cabré, La pregària del Diable, →ISBN:
      Quan es va trobar endinsada al mig del toll, amb la tela ben agafada, es va ajupir per rentar-se la cara en l'aigua frígida.
      When he was halfway into the pool, gripping the cloth tightly, he bent down to wash his face in the frigid water.
  2. frigid (sexually unresponsive)
    Synonym: fred
    • 1999, Manuel de Pedrolo, Diari 1987:
      Tenim les dames victorianes per inhibides, puritanes, frígides.
      We make Victorian ladies out to be inhibited, puritanical, frigid.

Further reading
