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From foot +‎ room.



footroom (uncountable)

  1. Space for a person's feet, especially while seated.
    Hypernyms: room, space, volume
    Coordinate terms: legroom, elbow room, headroom; breathing room, yardroom
    • 2012, Phil Edmonston, Lemon-Aid New Cars and Trucks 2013:
      Drivers say there's insufficient footroom; the brake and accelerator pedals are mounted too close to each other; narrow, poorly cushioned seats lack sufficient thigh support; []
  2. (signal processing) Extra bandwidth for lower-than-expected values.
    Coordinate term: headroom
    • 2000, Wolfgang Ahnert, Frank Steffen, Sound Reinforcement Engineering: Fundamentals and Practice, page 177:
      [] the difference between signal-to-noise ratio and overload reserve (headroom) as well as noise (safety) margin (footroom).
    • 2012, Charles Poynton, Digital Video and HD: Algorithms and Interfaces, page 45:
      To accommodate footroom, the number representation must allow negative numbers.
    • 2017, Steve Wright, Digital Compositing for Film and Video:
      Footroom – the range of code values in the blacks of an image that encompass the variations in grain or noise.

