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Alternative forms




Attested since circa 1350 (feytizeo). From Latin factīcius (artificial). Cognate with Portuguese feitiço, Asturian fechizu and Spanish hechizo.


  • IPA(key): (standard) /fejˈtiθo/ [fejˈt̪i.θʊ]
  • IPA(key): (seseo) /fejˈtiso/ [fejˈt̪i.sʊ]


  • Hyphenation: fei‧ti‧zo



feitizo m (plural feitizos)

  1. (folklore) spell, enchantment, charm
    • c. 1350, Kelvin M. Parker (ed.), Historia Troyana. Santiago: Instituto "Padre Sarmiento", page 16:
      este rrey avia hũa filla a que chamauã Medea et esta Jnfanta Medea foy moy sabea en arte magica et de todos los encantamẽtos, et de feytizeos de ervas et de outras cousas
      this king had a daughter named Medea, and this princess Medea was very knowledgeable in the art of magic and in every enchantment, and in charms of herbs and of other things
    • 1813, Manuel Pardo de Andrade, Rogos dun escolar gallego:
      Meigas, feitizos e bruxas
      que persigue a Inquisicion,
      sin mascara, socaliñas
      de cregos e frades son.
      Chamanlles bruxas à ás vellas
      por ter cara de carton;
      pero solamente hay meygas
      en donde hay Inquisicion.
      As femias da nosa especie
      de certa constitucion
      fan visaxes, e son tolas,
      pero feitizeiras non.
      Witches, spells and hexes,
      who are prosecuted by the Inquisition,
      maskless, hoaxes
      of priests and friars are.
      They call hex an old lady
      because her face is made of cardboard;
      but there are witches
      just where it is Inquisition.
      Females of our species,
      of certain constitution,
      make gestures, and are mad,
      but sorceresses they are not.
    • 1863, Rosalía de Castro, Cantares Gallegos:
      Ora en ti penso disperto,
      ora en ti penso durmindo,
      e sempre en ti estou pensando
      coma si foses feitiço
      Now I think about you awake,
      now I think about yow while asleep,
      I'm always thinking about you
      as if you were a spell
    Synonym: meigallo
  2. (figuratively) charm
    • 1813, Manuel Pardo de Andrade, Rogos dun escolar gallego:
      O feitizo está nos ollos
      dua nena de Padron:
      as nenas tamen feitizan
      à os cregos da inquisicion.
      Garridiñas, nos chegedes
      a os que manexan tizós,
      que a estopa cabe do fogo
      e vos ua tentacion.
      the charm is in the eyes
      of a girl form Padrón:
      the girls also charm
      the priests of the Inquisition.
      Beautiful ladies, don't come near
      the ones who handle the brand,
      because the tow by the fire
      it's too much of a temptation.

Derived terms


