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See also: fadálach

Scottish Gaelic




fadal +‎ -ach; compare Irish fadálach






  1. late (in acting or happening)
    Bha i fadalach an-diugh a-rithist.
    She was late again today.
    Na bi fadalach airson na sgoile!
    Don’t be late for school!
  2. tedious, boring, lengthy
    Synonyms: liosta, màirnealach, sàraichte

Usage notes

  • Fadalach is used for "late" in the sense of "happening after an intended time", whereas anmoch refers to a neutral temporal state. For instance, Dhùisg mi gu fadalach"I woke up late" implies having woken up after the intended time, whereas Dhùisg mi gu h-anmoch"I woke up late" implies waking up late in the morning, or later in the day, but not in relation to intention.


Mutation of fadalach
radical lenition
fadalach fhadalach

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Scottish Gaelic.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.