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få syn på

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Literally "get sight on."



syn (present får syn på, preterite fick syn på, supine fått syn på, imperative få syn på)

  1. to suddenly see (some object or person or animal that attracts one's attention)
    Han fick syn på en ödla på väggen
    He (suddenly) saw a lizard on the wall
    Jag råkade få syn på er
    I happened to see you
    Han fick plötsligt syn på hammaren han hade letat efter, under bordet
    He suddenly spotted the hammer he had been looking for, beneath the table

Usage notes

  • To suddenly see (something interesting) in the most general sense, though often about something unexpected, as that tends to attract attention. Terms like catch sight of and spot would be good translations depending on context. Another close match is espy.
  • Stress on syn.


Conjugation of (strong)
active passive
infinitive syn på
supine fått syn på
imperative syn på
imper. plural1 fån syn på
present past present past
indicative får syn på fick syn på
ind. plural1 syn på fingo syn på
subjunctive2 syn på finge syn på
present participle
past participle

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.