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Borrowed from English extinguish, French éteindre, Italian estinguere, Spanish extinguir.


  • IPA(key): /ekstinˈɡar/, /eɡztinˈɡar/



extingar (present tense extingas, past tense extingis, future tense extingos, imperative extingez, conditional extingus)

  1. (transitive, intransitive) to extinguish, put out (of fire or light), turn off (electricity)
    • J. Houillon, "La muzikisti dil urbo Bremen", in Kolekturo de rakonti da Le Grimm, 1928.
      Kande la quar muzikisti par-festinabis, li extingis la lampi e serchis repozeyi, singlu segun sua naturo e sua gusti.
      When the four musicians had feasted, they put out the lamps and sought places to rest, each according to its nature and its tastes.
    Voluntez extingar la fairo.
    Please extinguish the flame.
    Ka tu povas extingar la televiziono?
    Can you turn off the TV?
  2. (figuratively) to end, cancel, to go out
    La biro extingis mea dursto perfekte.
    The beer quenched my thirst perfectly.
    Li extingis la debo.
    They canceled the debt.
  3. to exterminate (of organisms)
    La bombo extingis tota raso.
    The bomb exterminated a whole race.


Conjugation of extingar
present past future
infinitive extingar extingir extingor
tense extingas extingis extingos
conditional extingus
imperative extingez
adjective active participle extinganta extinginta extingonta
adverbial active participle extingante extinginte extingonte
active participle
singular extinganto extinginto extingonto
plural extinganti extinginti extingonti
adjective passive participle extingata extingita extingota
adverbial passive participle extingate extingite extingote
passive participle
singular extingato extingito extingoto
plural extingati extingiti extingoti



Derived terms
