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  1. (transitive) he/she/it hears (something or someone)
    Malalakuawi kyankan. Etemekonawi.
    It made a lot of noise. Everybody heard.
    Yeyawa, ejekewi yuruna, maka aitsa etemepei, maka homakapai kyankan.
    In the dead of night, [the female captive] cast a spell over the Juruna [her captors], causing them to sleep deeply, so they would not hear [her escape].
  2. (transitive) he/she/it listens, pays attention, heeds (advice or counsel)
    Yamukunaun ... yeteme natu ...
    O ye children, hear me .... [formal chiefly oration addressing community at large]
    Kamani aitsa peteme natu? Kamani itsapai pitsu?
    Why don't you listen to me? Why are you acting like that?
  3. (transitive) he/she/it understands, comprehends (something or someone)
    Petemepei nukaintsixu?
    Do you understand my thinking? [i.e., what I am talking about, proposing, formulating]
    Netemepeiyiu. Netemepeiyiu pitsuwiu.
    I do understand. Indeed I understand you.
  4. (transitive) he/she/it understands, comprehends (is fluent in a language)
    Etemepei wauja?
    Does [he] speak Wauja?
    Etemepei kyankan.
    [He] speaks it well.


  • "Netemepeiyiu. Netemepeiyiu pitsuwiu" written by Huukai Waura, schoolteacher in Ulupuene village, during Facebook IM with E. Ireland, 9/14/2014.