Old Spanish
[edit]From Latin īnstrūmentum (“instrument, tool”), from īnstruō (“I build, construct”).
[edit]estrumento m (plural estrumentos)
- musical instrument
- c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 65v:
- […] agora ſet adobados q́ qualora los eſtrumentos oyerdes echar uos edes e humillar uos edes ala ymagen del oro q́ fiz e ſi non la adorardes ſeredes metudos en el fuego del camino ardient e qual es el dios q́ uos puda enparar de mj mano
- “ […] Now be ready, for at the time you hear the instruments you will prostrate yourselves and humble yourselves before the image of gold I have made. But should you not worship it, you will be cast into the fire of the blazing furnace; and who is the god that can deliver you out of my hand?”