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From German erinnern. Cognate of Danish erindre, Dutch herinneren.


  • IPA(key): /ˈeːˌrɪnra/
  • Audio:(file)



erinra (present erinrar, preterite erinrade, supine erinrat, imperative erinra)

  1. (with om (about)) to remind, to point out, to reiterate (again draw someone's attention to)
    Jag vill erinra (er) om att ni vittnar under ed
    I would like to remind you that you are testifying under oath
  2. (with om (about)) to remind one (of), to be reminiscent (of), to recall
    en kroppsform som erinrar om en bäver
    a body shape reminiscent of (that reminds you of) a beaver
  3. (formal) to make a (formal) objection, to object
    Vi har inget att erinra
    We have no objections ("nothing to object")
  4. (reflexive) to recall, to recollect, to remember
    Jag kan inte erinra mig ett enda liknande fall tidigare
    I cannot recall a single case like this in the past
    Jag erinrar mig att det var en regnig dag
    I remember it was a rainy day

Usage notes


Call to mind / "call to someone's mind" can be thought of as the common theme except for (sense 3).


Conjugation of erinra (weak)
active passive
infinitive erinra erinras
supine erinrat erinrats
imperative erinra
imper. plural1 erinren
present past present past
indicative erinrar erinrade erinras erinrades
ind. plural1 erinra erinrade erinras erinrades
subjunctive2 erinre erinrade erinres erinrades
present participle erinrande
past participle erinrad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


