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See also: eor, EOR, -eor, and eo̧r








  1. Scribal abbreviation of eōrum.
    • 1509, Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples, Qvincvplex Pſalterium, Gallicum, Romanum, Hebraicum, Vetus, Conciliatũ[1], Stephanus, page 1:
      ¶ Et ſi qui eoꝶ ex ſacris literis paſtũ quærerẽt: ſæpiꝰ ĩterrogaui quid in dulcędinis experirẽtur quid ſaperẽt?
      Et si qui eorum ex sacris literis pastum quaererent, saepius interrogavi quid in illis dulcedinis experirentur, quid saperent?
      And if any of them sought pasture in sacred scriptures, I would often ask them what joy they would find in it, what would they understand?