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Alternative forms




From Old Spanish en cuyo mal.




  1. (Izmir) May misfortune be upon them (expression used in sad occasion or ironically in jest)
    Synonym: el Dio ke no trayga (Istanbul)
    • 2015 May, David M. Bunis, “On Judezmo Terms for the Proverb and Saying”, in library.osu.edu[1]:
      “Dizen este byervo kuando avlan de alguna koza triste o de algún muerto i se boltan agora adresándosen a un amigo. Entonses le dizen ‘En kuyo mal’, lo ke kere dezir en espanyol puro: en akel esté el mal. El byervo ‘enkoyamal’ lo dizen tambyén en vezes por burla. Entonses el depende del lashón akódesh ‘im ko yomar’, lo ke iguala a ‘sozum yabaná’” “Enkoyamal...”
      They say this expression when someone speaks of something sad, such as a death, and then he begins to address his companion. In pure Spanish en cuyo mal means ‘may misfortune be upon him.’ But sometimes ‘enkoyamal’ is said in jest. Then it reflects Hebrew אם כה יאמר [im ko yomar], meaning the same as Turkish sözüm yabana [‘pardon the expression’]” (El Meseret 8, no. 52 [Izmir 1904], p. 5).