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en avoir plus qu'assez

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Superlative derived from en avoir assez. Literally, to have more than enough (of something).


  • IPA(key): /ɑ̃.n‿a.vwaʁ plys k‿a.se/



en avoir plus qu’assez

  1. (informal) to be sick and tired (of), to be fed up to the back teeth (with) [with de ‘someone/something’]
    Synonyms: en avoir marre, en avoir ras le bol; see also Thesaurus:en avoir assez
    J’en ai plus qu’assez de t’entendre te plaindre.
    I've had just about enough of listening to you complain.

Usage notes

  • Note that the pronoun en is part of the expression, and is used regardless of the separate de-phrase.