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See also: emirs and émirs


 emīrs on Latvian Wikipedia
Abd al-Ahāds Kāns, Buhāras emīrs (1859-1911)



Via other European languages, ultimately borrowed from Arabic أَمِير (ʔamīr, commander, prince).


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emīrs m (1st declension)

  1. emir (a prince, commander or ruler in an Islamic country)
    Buhāras emīrsthe emir of Bukhara
    iegūt emīra tituluto receive the title of emir
    līdz slimnīcas atklāšanai Buhārā bija tikai pieci ārsti, pie kam trīs no tiem rūpējās par pašu emīru un viņa tuviniekiemuntil the opening of the hospital in Bukhara there were only five doctors, of which three cared for the emir and his relatives


Declension of emīrs (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative emīrs emīri
genitive emīra emīru
dative emīram emīriem
accusative emīru emīrus
instrumental emīru emīriem
locative emīrā emīros
vocative emīr emīri