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  1. (transitive) he/she/it hides (something or someone)
    Iyebe ehejepei kalunti.
    Clouds hide the stars.
  2. (transitive) he/she/it hides (him/her/itself from)
    Ehejuapai nuutsa.
    He is hiding [himself] from me.
    Ehejuapai... awatanatapai. Mojapai.
    [She] was hiding [herself.] [She] was playing [the forbidden] flutes. [She] was afraid.
  3. it is difficult (to understand or master)
    Ehejuapai onaanka.
    That's hard to learn; it's hard to get the knack of it. [lit., It hides itself]


  • "Iyebe ehejepei kalunti" uttered by Tukupe Wauja during Skype conversation with E. Ireland, 5/26/2014.
  • "Ehejuapai... awatanatapai" uttered by Itsautaku, storyteller and elder, recounting the traditional Wauja tale of the "Man Who Drowned in Honey," in the presence of his adolescent son Mayuri, with commentary by adult daughter Mukura, and others. Recorded in Piyulaga village by E. Ireland, December 1989, transcript p. 3.