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From drill +‎ -able.



drillable (not comparable)

  1. Suitable for being drilled through.
    • 1977, J. G. Heacock, The Earth's Crust, page 243:
      For rocks at the surface or within drillable depths, observations are primarily geological in nature, and, in general, they indicate great complexity in structure and great spatial variation in composition.
    • 1979, Devonian Shale Task Group of the National Petroleum Council Committee on Unconventional Gas Sources, page 57:
      Land use restrictions in the eastern United States must be taken into account in determining the total drillable area.
    • 2007, Owen Bishop, Robot Builder's Cookbook: Build and Design Your Own Robots:
      Select a box of suitable shape (squarish), size (about 120 mm to 150 mm square), and material (non-brittle, drillable, cuttable plastic).
    • 2018, Les Skinner, Hydraulic Rig Technology and Operations, page 306:
      The pup is preequipped with a drillable, millable, or retrievable plug. Where fracturing is anticipated, these are often drillable or dissolvable ball-activated check valves.
  2. (agriculture) Suitable for being applied using a seed drill.
    • 1915, Farm Machinery and Equipment, page 16:
      In putting on fertilizers, care should be taken to see that the material is in good drillable condition.
    • 1930, Experiment Station Record - Volume 63, page 582:
      All fertilizers tested are drillable at relative humidities below 50 per cent, but no fertilizer remains drillable when exposed to a humidity above its hygroscopic point.
    • 1958, Charles W. Gantt, Walter C. , Herbert F. Rapp, John O. Hardesty Hulburt, “Determining the Drillability of Fertilizers”, in Soil and Crop Studies at the Big Spring (Texas) Field Station:
      In previous work (10) it was found that materials of low initial moisture content remained drillable for longer periods of time, but became undrillable at about the same moisture content as did materials of high initial moisture content.
  3. (computing, education, media studies) Supporting a drilldown action in which one can discover more details about a topic or text.
    • 2006, Neil FizGerald, James Edkins, Annette Jonker, Michael Voloshko, Crystal Reports XI Official Guide, page 188:
      To indicate to the business user of the report that more detailed information is available behind the summary group level, the mouse pointer turns into a magnifying glass icon when it floats over a drillable section (for example, the yellow count field of customer contacts, located in the Group Header #1 section).
    • 2009, Amy Mayer, Kevin McGinley, Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Dashboard and Report Best Practices, page 19:
      If a report has a pivot table with drillable elements, then the report should make the pivot table available through a view selector that also contains a tabular view.
    • 2015, Vânia Zuin, Liliana Mammino, Worldwide Trends in Green Chemistry Education:
      We spent some time discussing the notion of 'drillable' experiments, which can be introduced to students at an early age, then periodically revisited and explored in greater detail as students progress through their educational careers.
    • 2017, Matt Yockey, Make Ours Marvel: Media Convergence and a Comics Universe, page 237:
      Although spreadability and drillability often work in opposing directions, with spreadable media generally reaching a larger, less engaged audience, and drillable media typically reaching a smaller, yet more engaged one, the possibility exists for a text to be simultaneously spreadable and drillable (Mittell, “Forensic Fandom”).
    • 2023, Charles Soukup, Christina R. Foust, Popular Culture in Everyday Life, page 127:
      Lost became a bit of a cultural sensation and has inspired a wide range of drillable TV series such as Mr. Robot, Westworld, and Severance. Each of these shows teased the audience with the nature of its basic reality yet had deeply loyal fans who scoured episodes for possible theories concerning the uncertain storylines.
  4. (robotics) Having an arm or manipulator that can position the tool or attachment at the end in different orientations.
    • 1984, Robotics Technology Abstracts - Volume 3, page 280:
      The drillable centre-line determining device disclosed in this patent takes the form of an interposer which has on its underside a projecting location pin perpendicular to its upper surface which acts as a planarisation platform.
    • 1987, R. E. Trahan, Applied Identification, Modelling and Simulation, page 107:
      A drillable robot is capable of placing its end link in any orientation in the pencil of planes containing its first link.
    • 1991, Robert E. Parkin, Applied Robotic Analysis, page 175:
      For the drillable robot, the position of the end link (location of u5 and u6) is given.
  5. (education) Appropriate for learning through repeated practice (drill).
    • 1987, Anita Woolfolk Hoy, Educational Psychology, page 83:
      A second explanation and provision for practice of drillable items will reinforce your presentation for those who need a second exposure.
    • 2014, Patricia Clark Kenschaft, Math Power: How to Help Your Child Love Math, Even If You Don't, page 200:
      Both the drillable subject matter and the types of test that measure it make cheating especially easy (see p. 229).
    • 2023, Tom Sherrington, WalkThru 5-step guides to build great teaching, page 238:
      Deconstruct complex tasks like speaking a language, playing a sport or writing an essay into a set of small, specific drillable elements.

Derived terms
