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Old Spanish




From Latin dolōrōsus (painful, sorrowful), from dolor (pain, grief).





dolorioso (feminine singular doloriosa, masculine plural doloriosos, feminine plural doloriosas)

  1. mournful, sorrowful
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 69:
      E nes ſos dias yo daniel era dolorioſo .iij. ſedmanas de dias. pan cobdiciadero ni carne non comj nin ui non etro en mi boca niẽ bano non fu banado troa q́s cumplieron .vij. semanas de dias
      In those days, I, Daniel, was mournful for three weeks' worth of days. I ate no no pleasant bread or meat, nor did wine enter my mouth, nor was I bathed in a bath until three weeks' worth of days passed.


  • Spanish: doloroso