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Old Irish




From to- +‎ bongaid.





do·boing (prototonic ·tobuing, verbal noun tobach)

  1. to exact, to wrest
  2. to levy
    • c. 650 Do Fastad Cirt ocus Dligid, published in Ancient Laws of Ireland: Uraicecht Becc and Certain Other Selected Brehon Law Tracts (1901, Dublin: Stationery Office), edited and with translations by W. Neilson Hancock, Thaddeus O'Mahony, Alexander George Richey, and Robert Atkinson, vol. 5, pp. 425-494, page 440
      Ma día n-adbul etlaiter ní ón úasal [f]il ar in dámrud, .i. tríun a eneclainni fein ata in ríg ré fer in tige and ⁊ fer in tige ré toibig eneclainni don rig isin isin cethramad crich tar gabail mara;
      If anything of importance is stolen from a noble who is at a banquet, the king sues for one-third of his own compensation from the man of the house, and the man of the house levies that compensation in the fourth territory beyond an arm of the sea;


Complex, class B III present, s preterite, s future, s subjunctive
1st sg 2nd sg 3rd sg 1st pl 2nd pl 3rd pl passive sg passive pl
present indicative deut. do·boing do·bongat do·bongar do-bongatar
prot. ·tobuing ·toibget; ·torbongat (ro-form) ·tobongar
imperfect indicative deut.
preterite deut.
perfect deut. do·cumbaig (com-form) do·combachta (com-form)
prot. ·tochumbaig (com-form); ·tóerbaig, ·torbaig; ·topaig (od-form) ·tópacht (od-form)
future deut. do·bibus dom·bibsat (with infixed pronoun m-) do·bibustar
conditional deut.
present subjunctive deut. do·bó do·bosat do·bosar, do·bostar
prot. ·turbais, ·torbais (ro-form) ·toib; ·toirb (ro-form) ·tochmat (com-form) ·tochmastar
past subjunctive deut.
imperative toboing
verbal noun tobach
past participle
verbal of necessity


  • Middle Irish: toibgid
  • Middle Irish: tobaigid (denominal from the verbal noun)


Mutation of doboing
radical lenition nasalization
do·boing do·boing
pronounced with /-β(ʲ)-/

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Old Irish.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Further reading
