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From discipline +‎ -ist.



disciplinist (plural disciplinists)

  1. (education, historical) A proponent of disciplinism.
    • 1918, California Teachers Association, CTA Journal - Volume 14, page 392:
      Or, to put the three views concretely, the formal disciplinist would say that training the reasoning power by mathematics would make one a better lawyer or medical diagnostician; the non-transferrist would say that training in geometry helped geometry but had nothing to do with, say, trigonometry, except in so far as you used identical factors in both; and the inductionist would grant a slight transfer from one form of mathematics to a similar form, regardless of a common element, while denying any appreciable spread to legal reasoning or medical diagnosis.
    • 1956, George Willard Frasier, An introduction to the study of education, page 135:
      The function of education to a formal disciplinist is to train the faculties.
    • 1966, Ernest Edward Bayles, Bruce Lamont Hood, Growth of American Educational Thought and Practice, page 62:
      But, since the distinction is not obvious at first glance and also since both before and after Locke the word "faculty" was also used the other way, it seemingly was quite easy to make of Locke a formal disciplinist.
    • 1998, Bruce Spencer, Sue M. Scott, Alan M. Thomas, Learning for Life: Canadian Readings in Adult Education, page 100:
      The aim of a liberal/perennial education is to discipline or exercise the mind (a mental disciplinist approach) through the study of absolutes, often articulated in the form of principles.
  2. A disciplinarian; one who stresses obedience to authority.
    • 1830, William Pinnock, Iconology; or, Emblematic figures explained, page 379:
      La Trappe, a Frenchman, was a gloomy disciplinist and recluse, and a founder of a set of devotees, who are obliged to live in the practice of the utmost austerities, and without ever speaking to each other.
    • 1983, Thelma Falk Baily, Walter Hampton Baily, Criminal or social intervention in child sexual abuse, page 15:
      The disciplinists saw them as dangerously corrupted and therefore in need of drastic purification rites; the diversifiers, to cite the historian Barbara M. Brenzel, professed "a strong faith in the inherent innocence of children"; they "would save all wayward children by giving them the environment in which to reform and flourish" (Daughters of the State, MIT Press, 1983). "Flourish" is the key word here. Its analogue in disciplinist circles might be "submit" or "obey."
    • 1990, Alexander R. Magno, Power Without Form: Essays on the Filipino State and Politics, page 9:
      For close to generation now, capitalist political scientists have been explaining away the structural crisis of underdevelopment as merely transitory conditions (Apolitical instability due either to the political "immaturity" of the post-colonial societies or to the unsettled legitimacy of the new independent states. This is disciplinist distortion, and it has led to the consequent ignorance among social scientists of the fundamental crisis of underdevelopment.
    • 2010, Charles Gunnoe, Thomas Erastus and the Palatinate, →ISBN:
      Though most of the top clerics and university theologians were in the disciplinist camp, the opposition also had support within the church, if in general from somewhat disaffected pastors.
  3. One whose job is to enforce discipline.
    • 1870, The Reliquary - Volume 10, page 146:
      The prison disciplinist, Jno. Clay, of Preston, claims to be descended from the third sone of Richard Clay, of the Hill, who had five sons and three daughters.