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From determine +‎ -icity.




  1. The property or quality of being deterministic.
    • 2002, G. A. Skorobogatov, S. I. Svertilov, “Quantum Mechanics is a Topic of the Theory of Real Pure-Jump Non-Markovian Stochastic Processes”, in Thomas F. George, Henk F. Arnoldus, editor, Theoretical Physics 2002, page 102:
      These principles proclaim that the behaviour of a free microparticle (electron or photon described by propagators on Feynman diagrams) is strictly deterministic, while determinicity is violated under the particle interactions which correspond to the tops of Feynman diagrams having external electron or photon lines .
    • 2012, Christoph Wasshuber, Computational Single-Electronics, page 61:
      If we would feed all processing elements from a single random source, the determinicity would be destroyed due to asynchronous requests from the processing elements for new random numbers.
    • 2022, E. Wyss, D. Davidson, “Parcae: A Blockchain-Based PRF Service for Everyone”, in Pavel Gladyshev, Sanjay Goel, Joshua James title=Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, editor, (Please provide the book title or journal name), page 334:
      The determinicity of the output z follows directly from the determinicity of hashing algorithms, the invertibility of exponentiation, and the exponent-preserving nature of the bn256 elliptic curve bilinear pairing.

Derived terms
