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den som sig i leken ger, får leken tåla

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Alternative forms




From den (the one) +‎ som (that) +‎ sig (themselves) +‎ i (in) +‎ leken (the game/play) +‎ ger (gives) +‎ får (may) +‎ leken (the game/play) +‎ tåla ((be able to) stand). Roughly, "He who enters into the game must endure the game," with literary/old-fashioned phrasing.



den som sig i leken ger, får leken tåla

  1. a person who willingly enters into an activity or circumstance that involves risk or unpleasant things should be prepared to deal with any negative consequences
    Somliga avfärdade kritiken att roasten av kändisen gått för långt med "Den som sig i leken ger, får leken tåla"
    Some people dismissed the criticism that the roasting of the celebrity had gone too far with "He who enters into the game must endure the game"

See also


