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den Finger in die Wunde legen

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Alternative forms




Literally, to put one's finger in the wound.



den Finger in die Wunde legen (weak, third-person singular present legt den Finger in die Wunde, past tense legte den Finger in die Wunde, past participle den Finger in die Wunde gelegt, auxiliary haben)

  1. to rub salt in the wound, to twist the knife, to touch a sore spot
    Synonym: Salz in die Wunde streuen
    Musst du immer noch den Finger in die Wunde legen?
    Do you always have to rub salt in the wound?
  2. to bring up a sensitive but important issue, to address a negative state of affairs, to criticize and analyze
    Wir müssen den Finger in die Wunde legen und dürfen über solche Verbrechen nicht hinwegsehen.
    We must address this touchy issue and not turn a blind eye to such crimes.

