Old Spanish
[edit]Alternative forms
- Apocopic form of delante; before, in front of
- c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 23r:
- dixo nr̃o señor amoẏſen dia eleaçar fijo de aaronel el ſaçerdot q̃ alce los enſençarios dẽtre los q̃mados e ſera en la obra del ara por remẽbrãça afijos iſrael q̃ nõ ſe aguen aom̃e q nõ ſea delinage. daaron por encenſar el encienſo delant el ſeñor.
- And Our Lord said unto Moses, “Tell the priest Eleazar son of Aaron to take up the censers out of the burning and to place them over the altar as a memorial to the children of Israel that they should draw no man that is not of the seed of Aaron to cense incense before the Lord.”