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Alternative forms




From de- +‎ familiar +‎ -isation; possibly a calque of Russian остранение (ostranenije) as used by Russian critic Viktor Shklovsky.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /diːfəˌmɪljəɹaɪˈzeɪʃən/



defamiliarisation (countable and uncountable, plural defamiliarisations)

  1. (art) The representation of objects anew, in a way that we do not recognize, or that changes our reading of them.
    Synonym: ostranenie
    Coordinate term: Verfremdungseffekt
    • 1991, Antony Easthope, Literary Into Cultural Studies:
      It therefore works via a process of ‘defamiliarisation’ (ostranenie) (Shklovsky instances defamiliarisation as an effect to be found in riddles with their play on words, and in euphemistic references to erotic subjects).
    • 1991, Brian A. Connery, “Inside Jokes: Familiarity and Contempt in Academic Satire”, in David Bevan, editor, University Fiction:
      Fourth, and finally, while postmodernist works like Lodge’s Changing Places and Small World give the impression of being satires, because of their self-conscious and rather thick use of parody as a means to defamiliarisation, along with their presentation of a humorous world, the satirical attack is actually deflected or blunted by the parody.
    • 1997, Andrew Bowie, From Romanticism to Critical Theory:
      The fact that defamiliarisation need not be understood solely in linguistic terms is evident in all kinds of aesthetic experience: for example, a painting or a piece of music can also be understood as ‘defamiliarising’ habitual perceptions.

Further reading
