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de evige jagtmarker

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Proper noun


de evige jagtmarker

  1. (humorous or solemn) death
    • 2014, Claes Blom, Når fuglen falder, Claes Blom, →ISBN:
      Forsvundet til the de evige jagtmarker uden et eneste ord til farvel.
      Gone to the eternal hunting grounds without a single word of goodbye.
    • 2009, Peter Bondo Christensen, Sirius: et øje i nord, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN, page 130:
      Ud over at hjælpe ham smertefrit til de evige jagtmarker.
      Except helping him painlessly to the eternal hunting grounds.
    • 2016, Ib Henrik Cavling, Operation Gudrun Ensslin, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
      Hvis hun havde troet på, at majoren var i stand til at sende Callaghan, Owen, Schmidt og Genscher til de evige jagtmarker, så var hun stået af i Euskirchen.
      If she believed the major able to send Callaghan, Owen, Schmidt and Genscher to the everlasting places of hunting, she would have gotten off in Euskirchen.